
Friday, October 15, 2010

Marine Corps Marathon

I just had the realization that time is flying by and going slowly all at the same time. The Marine Corps Marathon is in two weeks and I am not ready for the whole thing. However, there is a stubborn part of me that will do as much as I can. It is frustrating not to meet the whole goal. Yet I think there is still a part of me that is proud of trying. I have been struggling lately to keep going. Unfortunately, the medical situation has left me temporarily unable to take medication and it has been difficult to function. The depression and anxiety make it difficult to do basic tasks and perform well in school. My sleep has been off and at times it is difficult to concentrate. It is amazing what happens when we sleep. When an individual gets a normal amount of sleep their immune system builds, the nervous system regenerates, and the ability to handle stress increases. This is why it is such a struggle to function when an individual does not get enough rest. I have had trouble running, my assignments in class have been late, and my concentration is shot. I am also having trouble with my emotions. I am determined to keep going so that I do not give into this period. Keeping active and engaging in activities has been a huge help. This is why I am determined to run. Even if it is only a couple of miles it will still be a triumph. I will try to get pictures so that I can post them.

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